Coronavirus is a lot stronger than you think. What did he just say? Yes, I said it: Coronavirus is a lot stronger than you think. You can show me all me the data you want, all the articles declaring it is no stronger than the flu, that wearing a mask is a lot more of a threat, that Sweden’s model is better, but look at what it has achieved. Just look at how easily divided we are. Look at the fissures in our societies. Look at the fear. Look at the ill education across the social media landscapes. Look at the incompetence of the government. Look at the huge spending on a ‘Track and Trace’ app that barely works. Look at the rise of completely illogical conspiracy theories. And look at the mistrust. All that from one virus. One virus. Now that’s an achievement!
(more…)The face mask is extremely divisive and interesting. There are those who feel they should wear it, who believe the virus is contagious and don’t want to either catch it or pass it on, particularly to the elderly. There are those who don’t believe the virus is as problematic as it’s purported to be, that it’s an attack on our ‘freedoms’ and just a huge cash cow for Big Pharma. And then there are the clearly insane who think we are only a step away from the Nuremberg trials, who obviously never attained their GCSE in history and have no idea of one of the most heinous genocidal crimes in the last 100 years, all fighting for Katie Hopkins hot spot.
(more…)If there is one thing you should do right now in this terrible pandemic, it’s call your grandparents. That’s right, they need your love. In fact pick up the phone right now and call them up.
(more…)As the dust starts to clear, the panicking slows down and the nation settles into a life of social distancing and quarantine, we are able to see the truth start to emerge, if we truly seek it, but not before some drown in the plethora of conspiracy theories.