Tag Archives: facebook

User Experience or ‘Used Experience’

Yellow stencil of computer on blue painted wood

Do you know who you are? 

Do you know why you behave in particular ways in different situations?

Do you know what you are worth?

Do you know where you fit in society?

Do you see other people’s points of view easily?

Do you understand the structure of society?

Do you recognise the way you react to situations?

Do you understand why you feel certain emotions?

Do you know why you fear what you fear?

Do you know why you have wronged someone when you do?

Do you even know you have wronged someone when you do?

Do you know why you are motivated and ambitious?

Do you know why you feel depressed?

Do you take yourself too seriously?

Do you know when you are insecure and why?

Do you feel you need to please people?

It’s important for each one of us to have an understanding of who we are, to recognise why we behave the way we do, essentially to be in tune with ourselves. By gaining a greater perspicacious insight into our behaviours and emotions we are able to live better lives. We can read situations better and act accordingly. Rather than reacting, we can have choice. We can add to society in a healthy manner. 

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Coronavirus is a lot stronger than you think

Coronavirus is a lot stronger than you think. What did he just say? Yes, I said it: Coronavirus is a lot stronger than you think. You can show me all me the data you want, all the articles declaring it is no stronger than the flu, that wearing a mask is a lot more of a threat, that Sweden’s model is better, but look at what it has achieved. Just look at how easily divided we are. Look at the fissures in our societies. Look at the fear. Look at the ill education across the social media landscapes. Look at the incompetence of the government. Look at the huge spending on a ‘Track and Trace’ app that barely works. Look at the rise of completely illogical conspiracy theories. And look at the mistrust. All that from one virus. One virus. Now that’s an achievement!

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As an artist or musician don’t retrain or rethink

It’s extremely hard to accept the words coming from a politician’s mouth, particularly when they are the richest person in the House of Commons with a property portfolio in the UK and America worth around £10 million.

I’m of course talking about Rishi Sunak who has been interpreted to have said in an ITV interview “Musicians and others in the arts should retrain and find other jobs.”

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Facebook is the new TV

If you don’t know yet, you should know that the reason for Facebook’s existence is not to help you engage with others, share photos, give you freedom of speech or enable you to organize and protest. I cannot help but laugh when people on Facebook post about how their freedom of speech is being taken away when it changes something. Facebook is a business, it is not here as a platform for freedom of speech, in fact freedom of speech is anathema to its business model. Its single sole function is to make money, and how does it do that? It sells us, its users to advertisers. The same model used by TV for many years apart from the BBC which we all have to pay for to see the endless repeats of shows from over the years past.

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A passport to Brexit hell

It’s interesting to watch the tribal minds of Britain in action. For instance on a recent post on Facebook I detailed how our passports from January 2021 will have to have 6 months left on them in order for us now to travel to European countries due to Brexit.

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