On the 8th May 2022 a BBC article ran with the headline:
“Shop owners to be forced to rent out empty premises, government says.”
It then went on to explain how “under the move, set to be unveiled in Tuesday’s Queen’s Speech that buildings left vacant for over a year would have to be entered into a ‘rental auction’”. Boris Johnson is quoted to have said that “boarded up premises were a blight on towns and cities and damaged local economies.” BBC.
(more…)It’s interesting to note that the two places in the world, the USA and the UK, who boast frequently about how amazing they are, global leaders ad nauseum and all that other arrogant nonsense currently have the highest deaths of coronavirus.
Our leaders now appeal to our emotions and not our intellect. This is known as post-truth. Watching Boris Johnson talk about how amazing the NHS is and not mention how it has been recklessly destroyed by the government with years of austerity cuts shows absolute disrespect for the public, just watch Tory MPs cheer after blocking a pay rise for nurses. Is there suddenly a huge nationwide collective amnesia?